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The PANDIUM.yaml’s schema properties are a collection of string to object mappings that determine the name and type of each configuration in the connection settings page. The object to which the property name is mapped must contain the type
prop. Pandium currently supports the following types, many of which can take additional props:
In this example bool_input
is the name of the config. When presented to the end user, they will see a checkbox that is checked because the default is set to true. When a run happens this config will be injected into the environment as PAN_CFG_BOOL_INPUT
In this example, integer_input
is the name of the config. When presented to the end user, they will see a number selector that is restricted to integers, with the value 0 being presented as the starting value. The end user will be able to enter an integer between -1 and 10. When a run happens, this config will be injected into the Environment as PAN_CFG_INTEGER_INPUT
In the above example, number_input
is the name of the config. When presented to the Integration Hub user, they will see a number selector with the value 1.3333 presented as the starting value. When a Run happens this config will be injected into the Environment as PAN_CFG_NUMBER_INPUT
In the above example, string_input is the name of the config. When presented to the Integration Hub user, they will see a text box that is empty being the starting value. When a Run happens this config will be injected into the Environment as PAN_CFG_STRING_INPUT.
In the above example, string_enum_input is the name of the config. When presented to the Integration Hub user, they will see a select box allowing them to choose between the given enum values. When a Run happens this config will be injected into the Environment as PAN_CFG_STRING_ENUM_INPUT.
In the above example, labeled_enum is the name of the config. When presented to the Integration Hub user, they will see a select box with labeled values. When a Run happens this config will be injected into the Environment as PAN_CFG_LABELED_ENUM.
In the above example, array_input
is the name of the config. When presented to the user they will see a line with a combination of the three properties that make up each object in the list, the UI allows them to add or remove objects to the array. When a Run happens this config will be injected into the Environment as PAN_CFG_ARRAY_INPUT
Note: Like all the schema property types described here, the configuration’s property must be referenced in the scope of a uischema element for it to be displayed on the connection settings page. Unlike other schema property types, the UISschema element type for a multi select uischema must be MultiSelectControl, rather than Control. To learn more about how the UISchema determines how the configurations are displayed review .
an integer
an integer
negatives allowed
an integer
any number
any number
negatives allowed
any number
any valid unicode string
null || "date" || "time" || "date-time"
when null or undefined control renders as a text box. date renders as a date picker
time renders as a time picker and date-time renders a date and time control.
an array of values
if you add an enum to the control, it will render as a dropdown.
options: a list of objects where each has a label and value
true or false