Pandium CLI

The new Pandium CLI further enables rapid development of your Pandium integrations by allowing you to directly build, deploy, and manage integrations from your local environment.


  • This tool is currently in BETA. If you are a current Pandium customer who would like to use and provide feedback on the Pandium CLI, please contact your TAM for access.

  • This tool is currently only available for Mac OS users.

  • The Pandium CLI will only interface with internal apps running on the Pandium platform.

  • To use this tool, you will need to create an integration and tenant in the Pandium Integration Hub, with fully provisioned connectors.

  • Running an integration locally in init mode will not update the dynamic configs available to this tenant on the Integration Hub.


Download the pandium file provided to you to any directory. From that directory in your favorite terminal, do the following commands. Ex: If downloaded to downloads, navigate to ‘downloads’ directory

chmod +x pandium # make it executable
xattr -d pandium # Needed until we have code signing
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin # Makes directory if it doesn’t exist
sudo mv pandium /usr/local/bin/ # move to a directory in your path


To list and manage your integrations, authenticate using the following command:

pandium login [environment]

If no environment is provided, it will default to sandbox. Possible environment values currently are sandbox, sandbox-eu, demo


Get a list of all available commands:

pandium help

You will get the below output:

Usage:pandium login [environment]
   	pandium logout
   	pandium get integrations [integration_id]
   	pandium get tenants [OPTIONS] [tenant_id]
   	pandium get help [COMMAND]
   	pandium local build
   	pandium local run [OPTIONS] <tenant_id>
   	pandium local help [COMMAND]
   	pandium help [COMMAND]...

  -h, --help 	Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

pandium login:
Log in to Pandium! Takes environment name as an option, defaults to sandbox
  -h, --help     	Print help
  [environment]  [default: sandbox] [possible values: sandbox, sandbox-eu, demo]

pandium logout:
End your Pandium session
  -h, --help  Print help

pandium get:
Get internal integrations or their tenants
  -h, --help  Print help

pandium get integrations:
See a list of all your internal integrations
  -h, --help        	Print help

pandium get tenants:
See a list of tenant associated with the provided integration id
  -i, --integration-id <integration-id>
  -h, --help                         	Print help

pandium get help:
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

pandium local:
Execute commands from your local PANDIUM file (PANDIUM.yaml, PANDIUM.json, or PANDIUM.toml)
  -h, --help  Print help

pandium local build:
Execute the 'build' command in your PANDIUM.yaml
  -h, --help  Print help

pandium local run:
Run the integration found in the current folder using the env values from the provided tenant id. Local .env file will override any values saved in pandium
  -m, --mode <mode>  Optionally specify a run mode. Defaults to 'normal' [default: normal] [possible values: init, normal]
  -h, --help     	Print help

pandium local help:
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

pandium help:
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
  [COMMAND]...  Print help for the subcommand(s)

Last updated